Post-renovation or construction cleaning

Post-renovation or construction cleaning

We clean up the dirt of surfaces, and floor coverings, generated by construction work. During our cleaning service, the rooms will be cleaned of construction debris and dust. The windows and their frames, along with the lights, walls, equipment will be washed. Moreover, floors, which can be made of different materials, will be thoroughly cleaned. As an end result, the client will be presented with immaculate rooms.

Post-renovation or construction cleaning services.

Ehitusprahi koristamine ning väljaviimine

Akende pesu nii seest kui ka väljastpoolt

Ehitustolmu eemaldamine

Aknaraamide puhastus

Põranda puhastus

Seinte puhastus

Aknalaudade ning liistude puhastus

Duširuumi ja tualeti pesemine
Uste ja seinte puhastus
Lampide, pistikupesade ja lülitite puhastus

We have a wide range of effective cleaning products, and our company's employees are made up of experienced specialists. The cost of post-construction, or renovation, cleaning depends on the number of square meters of space that shall be cleaned. Contact us to get the exact price.